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Election 2024 Will Trump Run Again

Election 2024: Will Trump Run Again?

A Look at the Latest Polls and Predictions

Polls Show Trump Leading Republican Field

According to a recent poll by ABC News and The Washington Post, Trump is the clear frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2024. The poll found that Trump has the support of 56% of Republican voters, far ahead of his closest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has 23% support.

Other polls have shown similar results, with Trump consistently leading the field of potential Republican candidates.

Experts Predict Trump Will Run

Many political experts believe that Trump will ultimately decide to run for president in 2024. They point to the fact that Trump has been teasing a potential run for months and has already held several rallies in key states.

Additionally, Trump's fundraising has been strong, and he has a loyal base of supporters who would likely back his candidacy.

Potential Challenges to Trump's Candidacy

Despite his strong support among Republican voters, Trump faces several potential challenges to his candidacy.

  • Legal Issues: Trump is facing numerous legal challenges, including investigations into his financial dealings and his role in the January 6th Capitol riot. These challenges could potentially derail his candidacy or damage his reputation.
  • Age: Trump will be 78 years old in 2024, making him the oldest person to ever run for president. His age could be a concern for some voters, who may question whether he is up to the rigors of the job.
  • Controversy: Trump is a highly polarizing figure, and his candidacy would likely be met with significant opposition from Democrats and independents. His controversial statements and policies could alienate some voters and make it difficult for him to win a general election.


It is still too early to say for certain whether Trump will run for president in 2024. However, the polls and predictions suggest that he is the clear frontrunner for the Republican nomination. If he does decide to run, he will face several challenges, but he also has a strong base of support that could help him win the election.
